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Alexia McKay Dreams Big for Women and Girls!

Lipstick Ready highlights Alexia Royal for the “Girls with Gloss” series.

Written by: Arian Augustus

Alexia McKay is the founder and editor-in-chief of the Tampa based digital publication, RoyalTee Magazine. Royaltee Magazine features millennials and minority women who are making strides in business, arts and humanitarian work through entrepreneurship.

Read on to learn how this Girl with Gloss brings the big picture into focus for girls of all ages.

What are some of your biggest accomplishments so far in your career? (Albums, Books, Sponsorships etc.)

We hosted A Queen's Luncheon in 2017. And this year we hosted our first A Day of RoyalTee Teen Workshop in March and covered the BET Experience 2018.

Has it been a smooth journey getting into your industry? If not, what obstacles did you face and how did you overcome them?

Entrepreneurship is anything BUT easy. My journey has truly been a test of faith and believing in myself. It’s also been a journey of enlightenment and trial and error.

What is the biggest misconception about your line of work?

I'm a journalist so people just think I eat and breathe news. Nooooooo!

How old were you when you discovered your gift? When did you get comfortable sharing that gift with other people and how did they react?

I was about 13-14 years-old when I discovered my gift of writing. In 9th grade I started taking a creative writing class and immediately discovered my niche. I devoured books and poetry and penned a few short stories of my own. That passion followed me through high school where I attended a performing arts program and went on to major in journalism in college. My passion for writing is one of the reasons I started RoyalTee Magazine.

What was your childhood like?

Three words to describe my childhood: blessed, loving and fortunate. The older I get, the more I realize how fortunate I was going growing up.

Tell us about your big break! What was it like? How did it feel? Did you see it coming? Did you know this was your moment?

My big break (so far) was the night I finished my first issue of RoyalTee Magazine.

Describe the moment when you knew you were on the right path. How did that affirmation encourage you to keep pursuing your dreams?

Honestly, I do not feel I've had my big ah-ha moment yet, but it’s coming. My daily affirmation includes, "You dream big, you get big." My current situation is not my permanent one. Again, my mind is always on #thebiggerpicture

What have you had to do - mentally, physically, emotionally - to prepare yourself to pursue your career?

I truly believe you need a go-getter attitude and a strong mindset. A belief in yourself. It’s fine if everyone else doubts you as long as you do not doubt yourself. This is an obstacle I face within myself every single day. What keeps me going is the bigger picture and the potential of where RoyalTee can go! RoyalTee is bigger than me. Therefore I cannot give up.

Tell us about your inner circle (close friends, family, mentors, relationship). How does their support impact your success?

My tribe of support includes my parents, sisters and best friends who are like family. Sister (and brother) friends I call them. My tribe not only includes my professional endeavors, but my personal trials as well. They pray with me, celebrate with me, cry with me. I truly feel like I have the best friends and family in the world.

What is the biggest lesson you’ve learned about yourself and others?

My character is not determined by one person's perception of me. I am stronger than what I give myself credit for.

What do you see yourself accomplishing in the next 3 years? What are you currently doing to prepare for this outcome?

I see myself building RoyalTee Magazine into a 6-figure brand that includes the quarterly magazine, an internship program, workshops, a book and podcasts. As for the second question, well, I've started the magazine. :)

Can you share a secret with us that you haven’t shared anywhere else?

I do not eat chocolate. like. not. at. all. Ever.

If you had a chance to talk to your 15-year-old self, what would you say?

Do not stop writing. Do not stop dreaming. Everything you're feeling and going through is preparing you for the woman you will become.

What message do you have for a Gen Z’er hoping to pursue a similar career?

You really have to love and believe in what you do. Don't give up. I don’t care how hopeless it can SEEM to be, stay the course. Stay true to yourself and true to your brand.

Alexia McKay is a Girl with Gloss!

Wanna keep up with Alexia? Details below!

Instagram and Twitter: @royalmag @royalteegirls

YouTube: RoyalTee Magazine

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