Lipstick REady

Our program, Lipstick Ready, prepares girls of all ages to master the art of seeing themselves as a Girl with Gloss (Gorgeous, Loving, Opinionated, Smart and Strong). Girls are empowered to own who they are so that the next generation of girls can too! By building confidence, developing leadership and setting high standards Lipstick Ready creates a life changing experiences that every girl/ woman will remember. We choose the name Lipstick Ready because just like the cosmetic girls/women have to work at getting their life to look the way they want.
Lipstick Ready has become one of the most recognized female mentoring programs in the DFW area; recruited as the opening act for the Laura Bush Institute for Women's Girl Power Conference in 2014, and voted "Best Breakout Session" for the Texas National Mentoring Summit in 2018. On March 21, 2018 Lipstick Ready launched a podcast to empower and support women and girls in transition with On-Air Media.

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In a world where social media, television and peer pressure has the power to create a cloud of self-doubt in the minds of today’s girls, this book empowers girls to embrace their individuality, while empathizing and bonding with their peers. The vibrant illustrations used to create the girls that make up “Lipstick Ready’s Pretty Girl Crew”, allows readers to see themselves as they read, helping them to feel comfortable in their own skin.