You are who you spend your time with, so why wait until the new year to start looking for better quality friendships, relationships & partnerships? Come connect, collaborate and unwind with people who care about community, art, culture, education, tech, entrepreneurship and faith.
Winter Connections will have games, music, food and of course authentic connection! Winter Connections is hosted by: C_bthree, Lexinthebox, Tyler Grant, AJ & Kristen Geez!

Calling North Texas’s Gorgeous, Loyal, Optimistic, Selfless, Smart & Youthful young women!
If you’re looking for a safe place to be yourself, and if you’re looking for a group of ladies to keep you grounded, make you laugh and hold you accountable, look no further! Lipstick Ready’s monthly God’s Glossy Girls event is designed to help you identify your purpose and learn the strategies you need to know to effectively handle life’s challenges. Yes, we will cover the Word of God. And, yes, we will have fun as we grow! Don’t worry, boo! Christian girls know how to party too!
God’s Glossy Girls meets every first Friday from 8:30 - 10:30.