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Krystell Caycedo, Encouraging Women Everywhere To Share Their Testimony!

By Kristen Geez

Krystell Caycedo
Krystell Caycedo, AGZ Monday Millennial

This Monday we had the pleasure of spotlighting 26-year-old Krystell Caycedo, who is the founder of Authentic You Testimonies, a Dallas based organization that empowers women from all ages and different places of the world who aren’t giving an opportunity to share their stories and what the Lord has done in their life.

Krystell a former video model, before she gave her life to Christ. Krystell was born in Mexico but grew up in Dallas where her family struggled financially. Krystell a decided to pursue a career in the entertainment industry as a video model. The music industry was a horrible place for a young woman ensure of herself and looking for a way out. On January 27 of 2014 the Lord radically gripped her life and took her to spiritual deliverance. Krystell married the love of her life, Sebastian, in January of 2018 and is now studying Human Behavior and theology. She travels speaking, uplifting and educating people on domestic violence and the power of sharing your testimonies. In the hopes that they experience the life changing power of Jesus Christ as she did.

To learn more about Krystell’s goal to capture heart filled testimonies from women and girls all around the world who were lost until they experienced the love of God read July’s Monday Millennial exclusive interview:

How did you get into the modeling industry?

When I was twenty, I was working three jobs and was exhausted. One of my friends was talking to me one day and mentioned she was an extra in a video shoot, and after speaking with directors, invited me to come to set with her. After a few takes, the producers asked me if I would like to be the main dancer. I saw an opportunity, and I took it. Fast forward a bit, and the video was everywhere, I began to get recognized and opportunity increased with that.

List two things people don’t know about being a video vixen?

The first thing I will say is that how these women are perceived by others, men and women included, is an illusion. The lifestyle you lead as a vixen is one that many romanticize, and I had many girls tell me I was a role model after seeing videos of me dancing, or all “glammed up”. Truthfully, I remember thinking I didn’t want to be a role model in that way, but when you’re deep in the industry, it’s enticing, and hard to walk away from. Secondly, as a vixen, it’s easy to lose self-respect, and respect for others. You see a darker, more callous side to people, and it’s easy to lose yourself in the smoke and mirrors, and I certainly did. The attention and worldly applause can become an addiction, like smoking, you can know it’s bad for you, and not be able to clean up. That fantasy others see, becomes something you try to live up to, and force into a reality. But when you’re fully immersed in that world, blinders off, it becomes impossible to ignore the darkness surrounding you, and that can crush you.

How can a girl discern the voice of God?

Your relationship with God is just like any relationship, it takes practice and work, although spiritual tools are different from those in the physical world. Spiritual practice comes from daily prayer, fellowship with other believers, and with God. The more immersed you are in Him, the more you can hear from Him, just like the more time you spend with other people, the easier you communicate with one another.

What did you have to give up to accept God’s love?

In short, everything. At my lowest, I cried out to God, telling Him “If You’re real, show Yourself. I am tired of being sad, depressed, empty, lonely and used. I will give up everything if You show me it all had a purpose” The same day, I woke up to a phone call, the last of three from three different pastors across the USA, asking me if I was ready to take up my cross and serve God with my whole heart. I said yes, that I wanted to know the God he preached about. On January 27, 2014 I accepted Christ, walked away from all the worldly opportunities I had been given, and moved to San Antonio to study Human Behavior and Theology at a small Bible College. Some people would say, and have said, I was crazy to walk away from everything I had, but the reality is I gained everything in Christ.

What made you create Authentic You ministries?

God placed a calling on my heart, to share my testimony in hopes that women all over the world experience the same freedom the Lord has given me. From that seed, God has placed women in my path who have amazing testimonies of what the Lord has done in their life, and there is a need for a platform where their authentic, incredible testimonies can be shared. Authentic You Testimonies gives women worldwide an opportunity to share what God has done and continues to do in their lives. Women of all backgrounds, ages, nationalities, and cultures can speak about the same freedom God has given us all, and our testimonies give all women a voice, and an opportunity. My prayer for this ministry is that it shines a light to women in darkness, voices of these women, filled with the Spirit, can speak for and to those women who have no voice, and that God will deliver women from strongholds they are suffering in silence and loneliness.

Where were you when you gave your first testimony?

Did the audience receive you?

In San Antonio, on April 5, 2015 at 22 years of age I gave my first testimony at a Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas. I was so nervous, thinking there was no way I could do what I’d been called to. Once I got across stage, the Pastor and his wife laid hands on me, and led the congregation in prayer over the word I was about to bring. When I looked up, all I saw were smiling faces. I shared some of the ugliness that colored my past, and the joy God brought me to in his deliverance. As I locked eyes with those in the audience, there were tears of joy and so much love. Everyone’s response was so kind, and such an encouragement as I spoke the words the Holy Spirit was giving me. I will forever remember that day with joy. That opportunity was the day God gave me confirmation of my calling, to speak to youth and young women, and teach them about the same love, grace, and joy I experienced that day, and continue to experience in my daily walk with Christ.

Is it possible to find love after being broken?

It is possible. I am living testimony of that. The first love I found, was one I did not go looking for. God sought me out and became my first love, and that love was not only deep, and powerful but healing as well. God mended my brokenness and prepared me for the one He designed specifically for me, a childhood best friend that is now my husband. It was only through accepting God’s love and allowing Him to mend my heart as my love for Him grew that any of this was possible. I want every young girl and woman out there experiencing darkness or struggle to know that God will mend your heart, and He will gift you with the love you deserve. First through His son, Jesus Christ, and secondly with the earthly man He has specially made with you in mind. No past is too dark for God to make bright and shine His light through. No past is too broken for God to mend. No past is too tainted for God to make white as snow. If God can do this in my life, beloved sisters, He can for you too.

If we were sitting here a year from now celebrating what a great year it has been for you, what would you have achieved?

A year from now, God willing, I would be sharing with you how God has used my voice and writing to bring women to the gospel. Authentic you testimonies worldwide will have been growing for a year, empowering women to find the boldness to share, to find freedom, deliverance, healing, love, sisterhood, purpose, and strength. God willing, I will tell you about my travels, how I’ve been speaking and participating in missions locally and globally, with my husband, sharing testimony of what God has done and teaching the gospel to those who need to hear. My heart’s desire is to continue to grow in wisdom and knowledge in the Word, glorifying Him in all we do. Helping souls bloom where they are planted.

What advice do you have for women who are afraid to give their burdens to God?

I understand things aren’t easy to let go and surrender. I know it’s hard to trust when your heart is shattered, and every thread of trust is broken. I know you are afraid, and I have been where you are. Worldly experiences will often tell us we are not good enough to share our testimony, and that no one will care what we have to say. This voice captures us in our shame and keeps our voices from being heard. But here’s the amazing part: God has other plans. Plans to lift you up, to take you to places that you would never imagine possible. A safe place. One of freedom, of love. A safe place of acceptance, and a safe place where you can be all that you were created for. Believe God. Trust in Him. He has, does and will continue to dissolve all the lies of the enemy. Through your faith in Him, God will defeat your giants, your burdens, because they’re not giant, or burdens, to him. God will reveal who you are created to be in Him. Sister in Christ, beloved friend, today I want to remind you that no matter what it is that you are ashamed of, No matter what you are afraid of, no matter what has happened in your past, no matter what someone else did to you, no matter what you have done to others, no matter how dark, deep, or ugly your past is… God will transform you, and your pain for His glory. He will make the ugliness into beautiful testimony that will elevate His name and bring freedom to other women, He will transform your past sadness into a hopeful future of deliverance. You aren’t alone, and you don’t have to fight alone. God wants to make all things new. { Isaiah 43:19 }

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